Blogs & resources

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Help Us Build a Culture of Consent

3rd July 2017/by Sino

One Rape is Too Many

19th June 2017/by Sino

Making Change as a Rape Crisis Peer Ed

17th June 2017/by Sino


9th June 2017/by Sino

After the Worst has Happened

8th June 2017/by Sino

Help fight violence against women by giving your Mandela Day minutes to rape survivors

1st June 2017/by Sino

Small Victories, Big Change

12th May 2017/by Sino

Activist Training – Applications Now Open at Rape Crisis

18th April 2017/by Sino

Zapiro demonstrates what rape culture is

12th April 2017/by Sino

Reclaiming the Body: A Six-Week Course for Survivors

9th April 2017/by Sino

Taking the time to breathe

7th April 2017/by Sino

Official Launch of the Boschfontein Sexual Offences Court

29th March 2017/by Sino

Rape does not start in the bedroom

14th March 2017/by Sino

Empowering women to advocate for change in South Africa

8th March 2017/by Sino

Tax payers that donate qualify for a tax deduction

27th February 2017/by Sino

SONA Schmona and Other Things in February

24th February 2017/by Sino

Meet our new Thuthuzela Coordinator

14th February 2017/by Sino

We got through 2016 thanks to you!

21st December 2016/by Sino

#HerNameWasVovo and she was a human being

15th December 2016/by Sino

On the importance of specialised Sexual Offences Courts

14th December 2016/by Sino

This is the story of a survivor who brought 10 rapists to justice

7th December 2016/by Sino

The 9 Lives of South Africa’s Criminal Justice System

1st December 2016/by Sino

An Afternoon With the WAR Campaign Continued

24th November 2016/by Sino

Athlone Training and Development Volunteer Applications Now Open

21st November 2016/by Sino

Counselling Changes Everything

9th November 2016/by Sino

An Afternoon With The WAR Campaign

8th November 2016/by Sino

On feminism and surviving rape

7th October 2016/by Sino

‘Sleeping with the Enemy?’: the debate continues

29th September 2016/by Sino

A Letter to Carol and Anne

28th September 2016/by Sino

Trying to Build Bridges of Understanding

27th September 2016/by Sino

September Newsletter: Latest News from Rape Crisis

27th September 2016/by Sino

When the political becomes personal

23rd September 2016/by Sino

On being a woman

15th September 2016/by Sino


12th September 2016/by Sino

Fifty Shades of Feminism: A Response

9th September 2016/by Sino

Fifty Shades of Feminism

7th September 2016/by Sino

Why we want better justice

4th August 2016/by Sino

Showing rape survivors how much we all care on Mandela Day

22nd July 2016/by Sino

What is a TCC?

30th June 2016/by Sino

Save The Date: Care Packs For Mandela Day!

22nd June 2016/by Sino

Today we salute our youth

16th June 2016/by Sino


10th June 2016/by Sino

Join the Rape Crisis Team – Become a Volunteer Counsellor

8th June 2016/by Sino

Rape Trials: The Role of Court Supporters

9th May 2016/by Sino

Rape Crisis Newsletter May 2016

3rd May 2016/by Sino

Intoxication, rape and the law

22nd April 2016/by Sino

Introducing our advocacy campaign to our communities

19th April 2016/by Sino

An arrest is only the first step towards a successful rape conviction

15th April 2016/by Sino

The Perfect Victim

5th April 2016/by Sino

She hurts, I hurt: A few words about Vicarious Traumatisation

1st April 2016/by Sino


22nd March 2016/by Sino

Demographic and Rape Incident Characteristics of Treatment-Seeking Rape Survivors

5th March 2016/by Sino

Equality Begins at Home: Disrupting Violence Within the South African Context

28th February 2016/by Sino

Khayelitsha Speaks: The Results of our Community Survey

17th February 2016/by Sino

Valentine’s Day – A day that alienates people who are not in romantic relationships

15th February 2016/by Sino

My Story

18th January 2016/by Sino
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