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Thuthuzela Care Centre is a one stop facility that has been introduced as a critical part of South Africa’s anti-rape strategy.
The aim is to reduce secondary Victimisation, and improve conviction rate. We are a multi-disciplinary team consisting of: The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), Rape Crisis Cape Town Trust, Health Professionals and South African Police Service (SAPS).
Thuthuzela’s integrated approach to rape care is one of respect, comfort, restoring dignity and ensuring justice for children, women and men who are victims of sexual violence. When reporting, the rape victim is removed from crowds and intimidating environments, such as at the police station, to a more victim-friendly environment before being transported by police to the Thuthuzela care centre at the hospital. Enroute, the survivor receives comfort and crisis counselling from a trained Counsellors.
Trauma containment
Refer to relevant stakeholders
Access to medical care
The goal of the project is to develop a replicable model for rape prevention through interventions with youth, that changes social norms both in terms of both attitude and behaviours so that the number of rape incidents is reduced and there is increased reporting of rape.
A Thuthuzela Care Centre is a one stop facility that has been introduced as a critical part of South Africa’s anti-rape strategy.
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