OUR RESponse


How Rape Crisis is responding to the global pandemic

OUR RESponse


How Rape Crisis is responding to the global pandemic

Download WHO COVID-19 Resource

Read the Mental Health Considerations during the COVID-19 outbreak


Reporting Rape During COVID-19 Lockdown

All forensic units and Thuthuzela Care Centres (TCC) will be open during the lockdown period as a source of emergency medical care, which is essential in the first 72 hours after a rape. This is also a good route for reporting rape because the police will take a statement and open a police docket for the rape survivor at the forensic unit or TCC. Using public transport to access emergency medical care is permitted during the lockdown period.

Only urgent cases are being seen at courts and all ongoing cases are being held over until the end of the lockdown period. Protection orders and domestic violence orders are being issued at all magistrate’s courts for anyone needing protection from an assailant in the same home or nearby vicinity.


We are here to listen and to help you

Western Cape TCC Telephone numbers

Heideveld Day Hospital
021 699 3246

Karl Bremer Hospital
021 918 1321

Khayelitsha District Hospital
021 360 4570

Victoria Hospital Forensic Unit
021 799 1111

George Hospital
044 873 4858

Wesfleur Hospital, Atlantis
021 010 0421

Worcester Hospital
023 348 1294

24-hour Counselling Helplines

During lockdown our 24 hour service will extend to three phone lines plus a WhatsApp line for text messages.
Afrikaans: 021 633 9229
isiXhosa: 021 361 9085
English: 021 447 9762
WhatsApp line: 083 222 5164
Email: communications@rapecrisis.org.za
Website: www.rapecrisis.org.za

Thuthuzela Care Centres in SA

All Thuthuzela Care Centres will remain open to survivors reporting rape during the COVID-19 lockdown period as an essential service.


TCC in light of COVID-19


What is a Thuthuzela Care Centre?

A Thuthuzela Care Centre is a designated forensic and medical service available to rape survivors as an emergency service in the 72 hours immediately after a rape. They are based at 54 hospitals across South Africa.

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